Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Pengaruh Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen Terhadap Kinerja Manajerial Pada Bank Perkreditan

This research is 1) To analyse factors of operation of management of that is certainty, information of job relevant, pemrograman, budgeting, mount difficulty of budget, to manager performance of either through simultan and by together 2) To analyse variable of operation of management having an effect on to performance of manajerial Bank Credit People.
Approach of in this research use research explanatory of with survey method with technique of intake of sample totally sampling. Technique of intake of data of that is with enquette, interview, survey and dokumenter. While data of the taken is primary data and data of sekunder.
Result of research show that 1) influence by simultan show free variable ( information of Job relevant, programmer, Mount difficulty of budget, Budgeting, and Clarity of budget), real bepengaruh to change variation of that happened at performance of manajerial Bank Credit People Insumo), 2) influence of free variable by together to performance of manajerial, indicating that free variable ( information of Job relevant, Programmer, Mount difficulty of budget, Budgeting and Clarity of budget) having an effect on reality of to variation of of change of performance of manajerial at BPR Insumo.

Sumber : http://tesis-skripsi.blogspot.com/2008/01/pengaruh-sistem-pengendalian-manajemen_23.html

1 komentar:

  1. mr pedro dan perusahaan pinjamannya benar-benar hebat untuk diajak bekerja sama. dia sangat jelas, teliti dan sabar saat dia membimbing saya dan istri saya melalui proses pinjaman. dia juga sangat tepat waktu dan bekerja keras untuk memastikan semuanya siap sebelum menutup pinjaman. mr pedro adalah petugas pinjaman bekerja dengan sekelompok investor yang membantu kami mendapatkan dana untuk membeli rumah baru kami, Anda dapat menghubungi dia jika Anda ingin mendapatkan pinjaman dengan tingkat rendah yang terjangkau 2 rio email dia di . pedroloanss@gmail.com atau chat whatsapp: + 1-863-231-0632
